Welcome to our SEND page which contains information for parents/carers of children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and all those who support children with additional needs.
At Leedon Lower School, we are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive environment where all children can thrive and achieve their full potential.
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Dyos, our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities co-ordinator via telephone 01525 372014 or email cdyos@leedonlowerschool.co.uk
SEND Information Report
Coming Soon
SEND Information
SENDIASS offer free, impartial advice to parents and carers of children with special educational needs or disabilities.
Central Beds SENDIASS: Email: sendiass@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk Telephone: 0300 300 8088
SNAP is an independent forum of parents and carers who all have children or young people with SEND. SNAP PCF
Autism Bedfordshire is a voluntary organisation offering specialised support to adults and children with autism. https://www.autismbedfordshire.net/
Children’s Speech and Language Therapy in Bedfordshire - This website provides great information for parents and carers about children’s speech and language development. Children's Speech and Language Therapy for Luton and Bedford
CHUMS provide mental health, emotional wellbeing and bereavement support to children and young people. CHUMS
CAMHS is the NHS children and adolescent mental health service and provides online information and support. Telephone: 01234 893300 / 01234 893301
YoungMinds - children and young people's mental health charity
The Local Authority Offer explains local advice and support for children with SEND: Special Educational Needs and Disability - Local Offer | Central Bedfordshire Council
If you wish to make a complaint regarding SEND provision please contact Chris Dyos, SEN leader: cdyos@leedonlowerschool.co.uk