Today's activity is to research and learn about animals.
First, go through the powerpoint to learn how to classify the animals and then use the resources to complete the diagrams.
Using the animal images on the Animal Pictures Sheet, you have to complete the differentiated Grouping Animals Activity Sheets by sorting animals into different diagrams using a range of criteria.
* Cool - To complete Venn and Carroll diagrams using their own criteria.
** Warm - To complete a Carroll diagram using their given criteria and a Venn diagram using their own criteria.
*** Boiling - Children complete a Venn diagram using given criteria and a 2 group sorting diagram using their own criteria.
If you finish activity 1, you can try the extension or challenge (activity 2)
Your science task this week is to research and investigate the life of a famous scientist or inventor. The scientists and inventors in the document below are all related to the science topics we cover in year 4. We would like you to choose one of those people to investigate.
You could find out:
If you fancy an extra challenge, you could research some Spanish inventors, such as: