Wednesday 6th January 2021
zoom lesson-9.15
News Writing
Please copy the date the adult writes. Then draw a picture of something you have done, your family, what you got for Christmas, your favorite toy or story. It is up to you.
Then can you use your phonic skills to write about your picture. Write down all the phonemes/sounds you can here.
So if you wanted to write park-you might hear p and k.
We practiced a sentence together, working out the phonemes we needed to write. Sometimes we needed a digraph such as ss and oo, which is two letters to make one sound and we also needed to use some keywords.
Have a go at writing your sentence by yourself as much as you can.
11.00 zoom lesson
Mrs Kirby talked about how we can measure things to see which is the tallest and which is the shortest.
She found three objects in the classroom to compare. We have to remember to make sure we are measuring them from the same starting point.
She then put them in size order and talked about which one is short, shorter, shortest and tall, taller, tallest.
Can you have a look around your home and find some objects to put into size order?
Put one set from shortest to tallest and then another set from tallest to shortest.
1.30 zoom lesson
We read together our new Talk4Writing story called 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' with some of our special actions.
Please have a go at the text and actions of the story so we can all join in together next time.
Can you make a picture of a goat using your hand print or by drawing around your hand?
If your grown up joins in you could make your goats different sizes.
Here are some photos to show you how to create your goat pictures.
Hello All Mercury Class Children.
Thursday 7th January 2021
9.15-zoom lesson
Thank you for joining us this morning.
We practiced some of our handwriting letters this morning.
Remember to start each letter at the bottom with a whoosh.
Can you write your name, making sure all your letters start with a whoosh (apart from the capital letters)
We look forward to seeing all your work on Seesaw.
Well done everyone-you are working very hard.
9.15 zoom lesson
We practiced the action, phoneme and name for the letters-dsfigtamorcbh this morning.
We tried a few simple words to sound out and read-hot, let, up, cub.
We read some keywords-in, a, if, to, no, the
There are some video clips here to help you.
11.00 zoom lesson
We talked about the measuring we did yesterday and how we were trying to find out which object was the tallest or shortest.
Today we are going to make a bridge and then choose something like a spoon, a car or a brick (non-standard measurement) to measure how long our bridge was.
Then we are going to make the bridge longer and measure it again.
Mrs Kirby used a brick to measure her bridge and then made it longer and measured it again.
What can you make your bridge out of and what will you use to measure how long your bridge is?
Can you now make your bridge longer and then measure it again?
1.30 zoom lesson
We recited our story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' with all the actions. We are joining in all of it so we begin to know the story really well.
We then practiced spelling some of the key words from the story.
Once upon a time (This is a challenge for you to spell if you want to)
Your task this afternoon is to design a troll and draw a picture.
Then today and tomorrow you can make your troll.
It might be a painting, a model, a toy dressed up as a troll, it is up to you.
Have fun and we look forward to seeing your trolls on Seesaw.
Friday 8th January 2021
9.15 zoom lesson.
This morning we have been learning and practicing spellings of some of our keywords.
We looked at, said, covered and wrote each word so we could learn how to write them by ourselves.
Please practice spelling these words as we will be working on them again next week.
11.00 zoom meeting
We looked at a clock and talked about how the big hand moves around the clock each minute and moves 60 times to make 1 hour and then changes to the next o'clock time.
The little hand tells us which hour it is.
We looked at 9 o'clock, 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock and talked about what sort of things we would be doing at those times.
9 o'clock-arriving at school
12 o'clock-having lunch
3 o'clock-getting ready to go home.
Then we drew in a square by each time what we would be doing.
Task-Can you draw a square for each time and then draw what you think the Three Billy Goats would be doing at each time.
Maybe they were going trip trap over the bridge, maybe the troll was being mean and green or maybe the goats were eating lots of juicy green grass.
Well done to everyone in Mercury Class.
Thank you all for working so hard this week, for joining our zoom sessions and for putting your work onto Seesaw.
You have all done an amazing job!
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
Monday 11th January 2021
9.15 zoom lesson
News Writing
Ask your grown up to write the date for you to copy.
Then choose a picture to draw. You can draw yourself, you and your family, you and your friends, your pet, your house. It is up to you.
Then think about what you want to write about your picture.
Together we practiced writing the sentence:
My car is green.
Think about the sounds/phonemes you can hear in the word you are trying to spell and then write down all the letters you can hear.
Have a go by yourself as much as you can.
Below is an example of some independent writing.
11.00 zoom lesson-Positional Language
We drew a picture of a scene like the one below and chose a small toy to use on the picture.
We then listened very carefully and placed our small toy in the correct place on the picture.
-in the pond.
-next to the flowers.
-in front of the tree.
-on the swing.
-under the pond
-on top of the tree.
-next to a fish.
-under the swing.
-in front of the flowers
The task is then for you to draw a picture of a setting where the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' would live with maybe a river, a bridge, flowers, a tree and then place the troll and the three goats onto your picture and then write a label about where they are
-'on top, under, next to, in front of'.
1.30 zoom lesson
We recited our story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' together with the actions.
We then shared ideas and changed the characters and some of the events in our story.
Mrs Kirby used post its to show the changes on the story map. We had some good ideas of have a story about three fluffy dogs on the sea in a boat and a mean, green shark who was trying to stop them getting some delicious, fresh dog food, but in the end the shark was caught and put in the bin.
The task was to create and draw pictures of a story map for this new version of the story.
Please find here our new version of the story
Tuesday 12th January
Please find below recordings of the phonics and handwriting we did this morning.
Please can you draw a picture of something that begins with a 'c' and then write a label for it.
Make sure when you write your label the c starts with a whoosh.
11.00 zoom lesson
We recited our new story of 'The Three Fluffy Dogs' using the key phrases and actions from the story using the story map.
Mrs Kirby then drew a story map of another story she made up about three trains that wanted to go through a tunnel to a more exciting and interesting track, but the Rock Monster was trying to stop them and then in the end the big train crashed through the tunnel and the Rock Monster to get all three trains to the new exciting track.
Can you make up your own story map? Think of your own characters, somewhere they want to get to, a new character trying to stop them and a new ending of how they get to live 'happily ever after'. Choose any characters you want.
When you have drawn the story map, try to write your own labels as well.
1.30 zoom lesson-Estimating and counting
Mrs Kirby estimated (guessed) how many spoons she could pick up in one hand.
She then picked up the spoons with one hand and counted how many she actually picked up.
Mrs Kirby made some marks on her chart to show how many she estimated and then how many she counted. Write the number next to your marks if you can.
Mrs Kirby then did the same with some toy animals and with some pasta.
Remember to count your objects carefully and accurately to get the correct amount.
How good are you at estimating?
When you counted your objects how close were you to your guesses?
Wednesday 13th January
9.15 zoom lesson
The children were able to take a turn to read out their own story map story using actions and key language.
Task-The children were asked to record themselves reading out their own story map and upload it onto Seesaw.
11.00 zoom lesson
Mrs Kirby asked all the children to join in with a counting challenge.
She set a timer for 30 seconds and then the children were asked to count how many times they could clap, tap their noses with alternate hands and touch their head and shoulders in that time. We then talked about which activity they could do most of in the 30 seconds time.
Task-Mrs Kirby then asked the children to have a go at home with some different activities. Set yourself 30 seconds and see how many times you can jump, touch you toes, swing your arms. You can choose how you record your results. Talk with your grown up about which activity you did more of/most of in the 30 seconds.
1.30 zoom lesson
Mrs Kirby asked all the children to take a turn to tell everyone about the characters and setting in their different story maps.
The children were able to share their amazing ideas.
Task-Mrs Kirby asked all the children to complete an art activity.
Can you create a picture for your story map? Where will your story take place and where will your characters live?
For example-Tigers might live in a jungle so can you create a jungle picture.
You can create your picture however you like. It can be a painting, a picture using fabric and other different materials, a felt pen drawing etc
Have lots of fun and be as creative as you like.
Thursday 14th January
9.15 Zoom lesson-Phonics and Handwriting.
Please watch the video clips to practice your phonic skills and handwriting of the letters b, p, k, c, o.
11.00-zoom lesson
We talked about Goats and what facts the children knew about them.
A baby goat is called a kid They can jump
They can bite you GOATS A Daddy goat is called a Billy goat
Goats have 4 legs They give us milk
Goats eat grass They have horns
Task-Can you do some research and find an interesting fact about goats?
Find out something you didn't already know about goats.
Draw a picture of a goat and have ago at writing your fact.
1.30 zoom lesson-2D Shapes
We looked at four shapes-a square, a triangle, a circle and a rectangle.
We talked about the properties of the shapes.
How many edges so they have?
Do they have straight or curved edges?
How many corners do they have?
Task-Can you go on a shape hunt around your house and find some squares and some rectangles and tell us what makes a square different to a rectangle?
Friday 15th January
9.15-zoom lesson
We looked at and read each word to spell and then tried to spell it on our own.
11.00-zoom lesson
Repeating patterns
We looked at some repeating patterns with 2 colours and then 3 colours. We then looked at some repeating patterns with 2 shapes and then 3 shapes.
Task-Create your own repeating pattern by drawing, painting or using objects.
Monday 18th January 2021
zoom lesson-9.15
News Writing
Please copy the date the adult writes. Then draw a picture of something you have done, your family, your friends, your favorite toy or story. It is up to you.
Then can you use your phonic skills to write about your picture. Write down all the phonemes/sounds you can here.
So if you wanted to write park-you might hear p and k.
We practiced a sentence together, working out the phonemes we needed to write. Sometimes we needed a digraph such as ck and ur, which is two letters to make one sound and we also needed to use some keywords.
Have a go at writing your sentence by yourself as much as you can.
11.00-zoom lesson
We started the lesson by singing 'One Man Went to Mow'. This song is really good for practicing counting from 1-10 and then back from 10-1.
Have a go.
Then we practiced reading numbers 0-10 and then 11-20.
Look at the video clips below and see how many you can read by yourself.
We looked at a number and then counted the correct amount of objects.
We then looked at two numbers, counted the objects and added them together.
If you would like to, have a go at using a number line to add your two numbers together.
1.30-zoom lesson
Three Box Story Mountains
We looked at the story of 'The Three Fluffy Dogs' that we created last week.
We talked about the 'opening'-Once upon a time- and drew about this in the first box. Then the we talked about the 'dilemma'-Suddenly-and drew about this in the second box. Then decided the 'resolution'-Luckily
-and drew about this in the third box.
Task-For this task today you are not going to do any writing, just drawing your story.
The 3 box 'Story Mountain' writing frame can either be downloaded from our website, or you can draw your own.
Wednesday 19th January
9.15-zoom lesson
We practiced all the phonemes, saying the sound they make, the name of each letter and doing the action for each letter.
We practiced some digraphs and their actions-ch, sh, th, oo, ee, ow, oi, ng, or, ar, ur, er, oa, igh, ear, air, ure.
We practiced reading our keywords-at, an, as, if, in, big, back, and, had, to, go, no, the
We practiced saying each phoneme and then blended them together to read each word. Use the video clip below to practice.
Handwriting- we practiced c and o and then had a go at the letter 'a' today.
Remember to start with your whoosh.
Task-Draw a picture of something that begins with 'a' and then label your picture. Remember to write your 'a' with a whoosh.
11.00-zoom lesson
We looked at the 3 box Story Mountain that Mrs Kirby created yesterday and then added some writing for each picture.
Task-Have a go at doing some writing for each picture in your story mountain.
1.30-zoom lesson
We sang the song ‘One Man Went to Mow’ and used our fingers to count to 10 and back.
We read numbers from 0-20.
We looked at some numbers and added 1 more.
7 add one more is 8.
Then we looked at some numbers and worked out 1 less.
6 take away one 1 is 5.
Keep practicing adding and taking away 1 from different numbers.
Task-Can you put your numbers in the correct order from 0-20 by yourself and then try from 20 to 0.
Wednesday 20th January
9.15 zoom lesson
We practiced the letters
- i l t
-r n m h
-b p k
-c o a
Please remember to start each letter with a whoosh.
Task-Write your name. Remember to start your letters with a whoosh.
11.00-zoom lesson
We looked at a troll who likes to eat cookies.
We chose a number and fed him that amount of cookies.
Then we chose a number card from our set of 1-5 and took some of the cookies away.
So, he ate 8 cookies, we took away 4 cookies and he had 4 cookies left, which we counted to make sure we had the correct answer.
Task-Create a cookie eating troll and 10 cookies or find 10 objects with number cards from 1-5 and practice your taking away/subtraction skills.
1.30-zoom lesson
Story Mountains
A few children were able to read out their Story Mountain's to the group.
We talked about the characters, the objects and the setting of Mrs Kirby's Story Mountain.
Mrs Kirby then chose some new characters and a new setting and told us the story about the three penguins who wanted to get over the iceberg to get some fresh fish
and the mean polar bear who was trying to eat them for trip trapping over the iceberg.
Task-Please try to record yourself telling your own Story Mountain.
Thursday 21st January
We practiced all the phonemes, saying the sound they make, the name of each letter and doing the action for each letter.
We practiced some digraphs and their actions-zz, ss, ll, ff, ch, sh, th, oo, ee, ow, oi, ng, or, ar, ur, er, oa, igh, ear, air, ure.
We practiced reading our keywords-at, an, as, if, in, big, back, and, had, to, go, no, the
We practiced saying each phoneme and then blended them together to read some words.
Have a go at sounding out and reading these words:-
l i n k
c l a p
f r o g
s p i n
b e s t
t u s k
Handwriting-we practiced the letters:-
Today we had a go at the letters 'd' and 'g'
Try to remember to start with your whoosh.
11.00-zoom lesson
We talked about the characters in Mrs Kirby’s Story Mountain and thought of some words to describe them.
The three fluffy dogs-
The mean shark-
Mrs Kirby then wrote some labels for her pictures of the characters, thinking about the phonemes needed for each word.
Task-Draw one of the characters from your own Story Mountain, think of some words to describe them and then have a go at using your own writing to write some labels. Then ask a grown up to write the descriptive word you have written underneath your writing.
1.30 zoom lesson
We looked at a troll who likes to eat cookies.
We chose a number and fed him that amount of cookies.
Then we chose a number card from our set of 1-5 and took some of the cookies away.
So, he ate 10 cookies, we took away 6 cookies and he had 4 cookies left, which we counted to make sure we had the correct answer.
Task-Use your cookie eating troll, 10 cookies and number cards from 1-5 to practice your taking away/subtraction skills.
Try using a number line to show us how you can do some take aways/subtractions.
Friday 22nd January
9.15-zoom lesson
We looked at and read each word to spell and then tried to spell it on our own.
11.00-zoom lesson
Maths Quiz
Can you answer these questions? Have a go.
Which number is 1 more than 7 ?
Which number is 1 less than 10 ?
Which shape has four sides the same length/size?
What is 3+2
Which shape has one curved edge?
What is 4-1
Which number is missing 9 __ 11
Which shape has two long sides and two shorter sides?
Which number is 1 more than 14 ?
Which shape has three sides?
What is 5+2
What is 10-4
Which shape has six sides.
Which number is missing 15__17
Monday 25th January 2021
zoom lesson-9.15
News Writing
Please copy the date the adult writes. Then draw a picture of something you have done, your family, your friends, your favorite toy or story. It is up to you.
Then can you use your phonic skills to write about your picture. Write down all the phonemes/sounds you can here.
So if you wanted to write park-you might hear p and k.
We practiced a sentence together, working out the phonemes we needed to write. Sometimes we needed a digraph such as oo and ee, which is two letters to make one sound and we also needed to use some keywords.
Have a go at writing your sentence by yourself as much as you can.
11.00-zoom lesson
How many different ways can you make 6.
Look on White Rose Maths-Early Years-Week 1-Session 1-Growing 6, 7, 8
Task-Go on a number 6 hunt-can you find the numeral and different sets of 6 objects.
1.30-zoom lesson
Mrs Kirby read a poem called 'Rainy Day Rabbit' and then we looked at a story map of the poem.
Please find the poem here.
Have a look at this link to find out some more about Rainy Day Rabbit and you can find a picture of the rabbit on page 13.
Task-Have a go at creating a picture of 'Rainy Day Rabbit'. it can be a drawing, painting or cutting and sticking picture. You can choose how to create you picture.
Tuesday 26th January
9.15 zoom lesson
We practiced the action, phoneme and name for the letters-z y q this morning.
Then we practiced digraphs and trigraphs
-ff, ll, ss, zz, sh, ch, th, ck, ng, ee, oo,
-oi, ow, ar, or, ai, oa, ur, er, air, igh, ear, ure
We tried a few simple words to sound out and read-hot, let, up, cub, frog, neck.
We read some keywords-in, a, if, as, at, an, is, it
-had, get, back, and, big, not, him, got, his
-to, no, the, go, into, of
We read some silly sentences
-'a duck and a hen'
-'a cat and a big fat rat'
Here is a video clip to help you with the digraphs and trigraphs.
We practiced the letters
-c o a d g q
-u y
Task-Please draw a picture of something that begins with a 'd'and a 'g' and then write a label for it.
Remember to start each letter with a whoosh.
11.00-zoom lesson
Mrs Kirby read the poem 'Rainy Day Rabbit' and we looked at the story map as we listened.
We all brought with us our favourite toy and talked about why they are special to us.
We looked at some of the keywords from the poem and how we can spell, read and write them.
Spellings-upon, owl, look, boat, once
Task-Can you draw a picture of your favourite toy and write a caption why it is so special to you. 'it is soft', 'it is fluffy', it is cute'.
1.30-zoom lesson
Hello Mercury Class, sorry we didn't get to do this lesson together, but hope you have a chance to look at it online.
We were doing White Rose Maths
Week 1-Session 2 –sorting 6,7,8
Wednesday 27th January
9,15-zoom lesson
Handwriting and Spelling
We practiced the letters
-c, o, a, d, g, q, u, y
We practiced using our handwriting skills to spell some of our key words.
-I, to, the, once, upon, owl, boat, rabbit
Task-Have a go at writing your name. If you are getting really good at your first name, have a go at your surname.
11.00-zoom lesson
We were doing White Rose Maths
Week 1-Session 3 –composition of 8
Task-Print the sheet or draw some ladybirds and explore all the different ways you can make 8.
1.30-zoom lesson
Mrs Kirby read a poem called 'Rainy Day Rabbit' and then we looked at a story map of the poem.
The children can give their Ideas for changing the first sentence of the poem by changing the weather.
Task-Change the weather in the first sentence to what you want it to be.
Draw and write your new sentence with the weather you have chosen or read it out and upload it to Seesaw.
Thursday 28th January
9.15 zoom lesson
We practiced the action, phoneme and name for the letters-z y q this morning.
Then we practiced digraphs and trigraphs
-ff, ll, ss, zz, sh, ch, th, ck, ng, ee, oo,
-oi, ow, ar, or, ai, oa, ur, er, air, igh, ear, ure
We tried a few simple words to sound out and read-hot, let, up, cub, frog, neck.
We read some keywords-in, a, if, as, at, an, is, it
-had, get, back, and, big, not, him, got, his
-to, no, the, go, into, of
We read some silly sentences
-'a duck and a hen'
-'a cat and a big fat rat'
We practiced the letters
-c o a d g q
-u y
-Introduce v and w
-Keywords-I, to, the, upon, owl, boat, look, rabbit, once
Task-Please draw a picture of something that begins with a 'v'and a 'w' and then write a label for it.
Remember to start each letter with a whoosh.
11.00-zoom lesson
Mrs Kirby read a poem called 'Rainy Day Rabbit' and then we looked at a story map of the poem.
The children can give their Ideas for changing the first sentence of the poem by changing the day.
We changed the day in the first sentence. We tried using different times of the day: 'Once upon a misty morning', 'Once upon a stormy night.'
Or maybe special times of the year; 'Once upon a Halloween', 'Once upon a Christmas Eve.'
Task-Create and sail a flower shaped, colourful paper boat.
1.) Print the free Blooming Puddle Paper Flowers Printable above.
2.) Colour the paper flowers with crayons or markers. If you use markers, make sure to let the paper dry completely before doing this activity.
3.) Cut the flowers out around the black outline.
4.) Fold the flower petals into the center. Do not crease the petals tightly, just loosely fold the petals or they will not open well.
5.) Gently place each flower into the water and watch it bloom! We like to do ours one at a time so we can admire the blooming process.
The paper absorbs the water which causes the petals to “bloom” (open.) Each petal opens one at a time, just like a real flower.
1.30-zoom lesson
We were doing White Rose Maths
Week 1-Session 4 –Matching 6, 7., 8
Task-Have a go at the memory game, turn over two cards that show the same number, you get to keep them both!
Friday 29th January
9.15-zoom lesson
We looked at and read each word to spell and then tried to spell it on our own.
11.00-zoom lesson
We were doing White Rose Maths
Week 1-Session 5 –1 more and less
Task- Count some toys into your toy box. Can you spot who is missing? What happens to the number of toys when you take one out and then put it back? Does it matter which toy you remove?
Monday 1st February 2021
zoom lesson-9.15
News Writing
Please copy the date the adult writes. Then draw a picture of something you have done, your family, your friends, your favorite toy or story. It is up to you.
Then can you use your phonic skills to write about your picture. Write down all the phonemes/sounds you can here.
So if you wanted to write park-you might hear p and k.
We practiced a sentence together, working out the phonemes we needed to write. Sometimes we needed a digraph such as oo and ai, which is two letters to make one sound and we also needed to use some keywords.
Have a go at writing your sentence by yourself as much as you can.
11.00-zoom lesson
We were doing White Rose Maths
Week 2-Session 1 –Growing 6, 7., 8
Task-Have a go at the memory game, turn over two ladybird cards that show the same number of spots, when they match you get to keep them both!
1.30-zoom lesson
We looked at this verse in the 'Rainy Day Rabbit' poem and then worked together to create our own bridge of bubbles. In each bubble the children were able to say what they would wish for.
'Maybe blow a bridge of bubbles to float and stretch afar
or scatter stepping-stones from wishes hidden in the stars?
Over the road, Olive and her owl were certain too
that with some inspiration they’d connect across the blue.'
Task-You can create your own bridge of bubbles for your family and friends-write or draw in each bubble what each person wishes for.
Or enjoy some bubble art-See the ideas below.
If you haven’t yet discovered the inspiring art and craft activities created and shared by Mrs Darlington, then do take a look. You’ll find a wealth of creative ideas that are easy to follow and have stunning results. Mrs Darlington’s ideas boards, like the one below, can be downloaded from
Tuesday 2nd February
9.15 zoom lesson
We practiced the action, phoneme and name for the letters-z y q this morning.
Then we practiced digraphs and trigraphs
-sh, ch, th, ck, ng, ee, oo,
-oi, ow, ar, or, ai, oa, ur, er, air, igh, ear, ure
We tried a few simple words to sound out and read-cot, pet, up, hub, pig frog, back.
We read some keywords
-at, get, I, if, in, big, no, go, so
-it, is, him, his, not, got, to, into, of
We read some silly 'alien' words. They do not make sense, but we can sound them out and read them.
Have a look at some below with their alien next to the word.
11.00-zoom lesson
Join in with the song-'Little Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose'
If you have access to the Internet, you can download a song sheet with Makaton signs from to accompany the song. There is also a downloadable audio track that you can use. Another great song to accompany this story would be ‘You are my sunshine,’ sung and signed at
Task-Draw a picture of Little Peter Rabbit and label where the fly might be
Little Peter Rabbit
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose,
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose.
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose,
So, he flipped it and he flopped it And the fly flew away.
Powder puffs and curly whiskers,
Powder puffs and curly whiskers,
Powder puffs and curly whiskers,
So, he swished it and he swashed it And the fly flew away.
Next verses: Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his paw….
1.30-zoom lesson
We are doing White Rose Maths
Week 2-Session 2 –Making Pairs
Task-Go on a walk to find natural objects. How many pairs can you find? Do you have any objects left over or do that all make pairs.
Wednesday 3rd February
9.15-zoom lesson
We practiced the letters
-c o a d g q u y
-x, z
-Introduce f and e
-Keywords-I, to, the, once, into, upon, of
Task-Please draw a picture of something that begins with a 'f'and a 'e' and then write a label for it.
Practice writing your name.
If you are getting really good at your first name, try your surname.
Remember to start each letter with a whoosh.
11.00-zoom lesson
We are doing White Rose Maths
Week 2-Session 3 –Combining 2 groups
Task- What can you find in the picture. Can you find 4 flowers and 4 flowers? How many altogether?
Can you draw your own picture and draw some groups to count?
1.30-zoom lesson
Sing the song-‘Little Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose…’
…then on his paw.
Talk about how do you feel during lockdown? Who do you miss?
Task-Use the window picture on The Rainy Day Rabbit pdf on page 17 or draw your own windows and then draw in each window someone you are looking forward to seeing again soon.
Thursday 4th February
We practiced digraphs and trigraphs
-sh, ch, th, ck, ng, ee, oo,
-oi, ow, ar, or, ai, oa, ur, er, air, igh, ear, ure
We tried a few simple words to sound out and read-cot, pet, up, hub, pig frog, back.
We read some keywords
-at, get, I, if, in, big, no, go, so
-it, is, him, his, not, got, to, into, of
We read some silly 'alien' words. They do not make sense, but we can sound them out and read them.
Recap the letters -u, y, v, w, x, z
Focus on practicing-j, f, e, s.
Write- I, to, the, into, of, once, upon
Task- Draw a picture for e and s and label it. Don’t forget the whoosh.
11.00-zoom lesson
Sing the song-‘Little Peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose…’
…then on his paw.
Children will be able to suggest some more verses (ear, whiskers, leg, tail) and then we will add them onto the song and sing it all together.
Task-Upload onto Seesaw you singing your own verse for the song on its own or sing all three verses-nose/paw/your own verse.
1.30-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Week 2
Session 4–Combining 2 groups
Task- Count the spots on the dominoes-how many altogether? Create your own dominoes on the circuit-Remember touching ends must match.
There is an activity sheet to print off here so you can count and create your own dominoes. Also, if you ha e some at home have a game of dominoes.Friday 5th February
9.15-zoom lesson
We looked at and read each word to spell and then tried to spell it on our own.
it, is, him, his, not, got, of, into
11.00-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Week 2
Session 5–Adding more
Task- Play the number track game. Roll 2 dice. How many spots do you have altogether?
Can you predict what number you will land on? How many more spaces do you need to move in order to win the game?
You will need 2 dice and the activity sheet to play the Maths game today.
Hello Mercury Class
Hope you all had a fun half term
Monday 22nd February 2021
zoom lesson-9.15
News Writing
Please copy the date the adult writes. Then draw a picture of something you have done, your family, your friends, your favorite toy or story. It is up to you.
Then can you use your phonic skills to write about your picture. Write down all the phonemes/sounds you can here.
So if you wanted to write park-you might hear p and k.
We practiced a sentence together, working out the phonemes we needed to write. Sometimes we needed a digraph such as oo and ai, which is two letters to make one sound and we also needed to use some keywords.
Have a go at writing your sentence by yourself as much as you can.
11.00-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Week 3-Growing 6, 7, 8
Session 1–Comparing height-taller and shorter
Task- Roll the dice. Collect the corresponding number of cubes and build a tower. Now build a tower that is taller and a tower that is shorter. Roll the dice and have another go. What do you notice? Can you arrange your towers in order from shortest to tallest.
You will need 1 dice and some cubes, lego or blocks for the Maths activity today.
1.30-zoom lesson
Mrs Kirby read a story called 'Mouse's Adventure' and then we created a story map of the story.
Task: Talk with your child about what happened in the story. Help them to talk about:
• what they liked
• did anything surprise them?
• do they have any questions?
Draw/paint/collage picture of your Mouse.
Look at Mouse’s Adventure on pg 5
Please find the story and information about
'Mouse's Adventure' here.
Tuesday 23rd February
Recap some individual phonemes, digraphs/trigraphs.
Blending and reading words-including
Phase 2
Set 1-a, sat, pat, tap, sap, as
Set 2- i, n, m, d
- i-it, is, sit, pit, tip
-n-an, in, nip, pan, nap
Reading Keywords- it, is, him, his, not, got, of, into
Recap tricky words
-the, to, no, go, I, into
Practice new tricky words
-he, she, we, me, be
Phase 2
Set 1-a, sat, pat, tap, sap, as
Set 2- i-it, is, sit, pit, tip
-n-an, in, nip, pan, nap
Recap tricky words
-the, to, no, go, I, into
Practice new tricky words
-he, she, we, me, be
Task: Blend and read the words we have practiced together by yourself.
11.00 zoom lesson
Read the story again using the story map to help us.
Look at and write some keywords from the story.
Talk about the days of the week and where Mouse went on his adventure each day.
Tuesday-curtain rail
Wednesday-kitchen cupboard
Friday-duvet waves/fast asleep
Task: Can you pretend that one of your toys is the character in the story? Listen while a little bit of the story is read to you. Can you remember what Mouse said? What would your character (toy) say?
Look at Mouse’s Adventure pg 7 to help you.
1.30-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Week 3-Growing 6,7,8
Session 2 –Comparing Length-longer and shorter
-Watch video-have a go at joining in
Task- Use playdough to make snakes of different lengths. You can line them up or use household objects to compare the lengths.
Can you arrange your snakes in order from shortest to longest?
Wednesday 24th February
Phase 2
Set 2-m, d
- m-am, man, mat, map, Tim
-d-dad, and, sad, dim, Sid
Set 3-g,
-g-tag, gag, sag, gas, pig
Task: Blend and read the words we have practiced together by yourself.
11.00-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Week 3-Growing 6,7,8
Session 3–Days of the week
Watch video-have a go at joining in
Task: Read Jasper’s Beanstalk.
If you don’t have a copy of the book, there are several versions available to watch online. Now have a go at putting the days of the week in the correct order. Then, can you draw a picture of something you do on each day?
1.30-zoom lesson
Recap the Story, Mouse's Adventure' using the Story Map.
Make changes to the places the Mouse visits on his adventure.
Task: Choose your own toy and take photos for your story map of your chosen toy’s adventure.
Where will he go?
Mouse’s Adventure-pg 9
Thursday 25th February
9.15-zoom lesson
Recap some individual phonemes, digraphs/trigraphs.
Set 3-o, c, k
-o-got, on, not, top, dog
-c-can, cot, cop, cap, cod
-k-kid, kit, Kim, Ken
Recap tricky words
-the, to, no, go, I, into
Practice new tricky words
-he, she, we, me, be
Blending and reading words-including
Reading Keywords-it, is, him, his, not, got, of, into
Read some ‘alien’ words
Practice writing some simple words.
Set 3-o, c, k
-o-got, on, not, top, dog
-c-can, cot, cop, cap, cod
-k-kid, kit, Kim, Ken
Don’t forget the whoosh.
Recap tricky words
-the, to, no, go, I, into
Practice new tricky words
-he, she, we, me, be
Task: Blend and read the words we have practiced together by yourself.
11.00-zoom lesson
Recap the Story with the changes made we made.
Give pupils the chance to share their changed ideas or photos of their new version of the story using their own toy to go to different places on a new adventure.
Task: Add your own photos to a story map outline to create a story map for your chosen toy.
Mouse’s Adventure-page 11
1.30-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Week 3-growing 6,7,8
Session 4–Measuring Height
-Watch video-have a go at joining in
Task: Plant a seed or vegetable top. As it grows, use towers of cubes to measure the height of the plant at different stages.
What do you notice?
What else can you find to measure
Friday 26th February
9.15-zoom lesson
We looked at and read each word to spell and then tried to spell it on our own.
Recap tricky words
-the, to, no, go, I, into
Practice new tricky words
-he, she, we, me, be
11.00-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Week 3-Growing 6.7.8
Session 5–Measuring Time
-Watch video-have a go at joining in
Task: Ask a grown up to time you for one minute. You could see how many times you can write your name in one minute. Or how many cubes you can place in a tower in one minute. Which activities were quick to complete? Which activities took longer? What else could you do in one minute?
Monday 1st March 2021
9.15 zoom lesson-News Writing
Please copy the date the adult writes. Then draw a picture of something you have done, your family, your friends, your favorite toy or story. It is up to you.
Then can you use your phonic skills to write about your picture. Write down all the phonemes/sounds you can here.
So if you wanted to write park-you might hear p and k.
We practiced a sentence together, working out the phonemes we needed to write. Sometimes we needed a digraph such as oo and ai, which is two letters to make one sound and we also needed to use some keywords.
Have a go at writing your sentence by yourself as much as you can.
11.00-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Week 1- Building 9 &10
Session 1 Representing and sorting 9 & 10
-Watch video-have a go at joining in
Task: How many different ways can you make 9 & 10.
Look for 9 & 10 in the local area.
1.30-zoom lesson
Say the rhyme ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ together and clap out the rhythm.
Task: Choose another rhyme to say and clap out the rhythm at the same time.
Record yourself and upload it onto Seesaw.
Mouse’s Adventure pg 8
Tuesday 2nd March
9.30-zoom lesson
Recap some individual phonemes, digraphs/trigraphs.
Blending and reading words-including
Phase 2
Set 1-a, sat, pat, tap, sap, as
Set 2- i, n, m, d
- i-it, is, sit, pit, tip
-n-an, in, nip, pan, nap
Reading Keywords
Read some simple sentences
Recap tricky words
-the, to, no, go, I, into
Practice new tricky words
-he, she, we, me, be
Phase 2
Set 1-a, sat, pat, tap, sap, as
Set 2- i-it, is, sit, pit, tip
-n-an, in, nip, pan, nap
Recap tricky words
11.00-zoom lesson
Read the poem Ice Lolly, re-read whilst clapping out the rhythm
Discuss what an ice lolly feels like. Discuss the colours we like to taste i.e. red strawberry,
Mouse’s Adventure pg 12
TASK-Either Create a painting or picture using the colours of a rainbow. OR create their own rainbow coleslaw or fruit smoothie.
1.30-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Building 9 & 10
Session 2 Representing and sorting 9 & 10
-Watch video-have a go at joining in
Task- Sort cards into sets for 9 & 10.
Make your own cards sort these into 9 & 10.Wednesday 3rd March
9.15-zoom lesson
Phase 2
Set 2-m, d
- m-am, man, mat, map, Tim
-d-dad, and, sad, dim, Sid
Set 3-g,
-g-tag, gag, sag, gas, pig
Task: Blend and read the words we have practiced together by yourself.
11.00-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Building 9 & 10
Session 3
Ordering number to 10
-Watch video-have a go at joining in
Task: Order the cards from 1-10.
Ask someone to change the numbers. Can you spot the mistake?1.30-zoom lesson
Read the riddles and work out what the animal is.
Task: Think of an animal and create their own riddle. Use emergent writing to write their sentences.
Mouse’s Adventure-pg 19-21
Thursday 4th March
9.15-zoom lesson
Recap tricky words
-the, to, no, go, I, into
Practice new tricky words
-he, she, we, me, be
11.00-zoom lesson
White Rose Maths
Building 9 & 10
Week 1 Session 4
–Composition of 9 & 10
-Watch video-have a go at joining in
Task: Draw a picture using 10 black dots. Draw another picture using the 10 dots in a different way.
1.30-zoom lesson
Read the letter from Bee
pg 24, and discuss what things might have been prickly, dry, soft, wet, hard.
Task: Hunt around outside to find 1 item that would match each of the descriptions (soft, hard, wet, prickly, dry). Pg 18
Can they think of any other descriptive words and find something to match that as well?
Mouse’s Adventure-page 24 and 18
Friday 5th March
No Zoom Lessons Today
Take a look at your spellings from yesterday. Practice 3 words you didn’t spell correctly.
White Rose Maths
Week 1 Building 9 & 10 Session 5–No bingo to 10
-Watch video-have a go at joining in.
Task: Play number bingo using numbers 1-10.