Monday to Friday (Term Time)
Morning sessions: 08:50 - 11.50
Afternoon sessions: 12:10 - 15:10
All Day session: 08:50 - 15:10
We begin our sessions with self registration. The children find their picture name label from the table and put it up on the board then they can choose where they would like to play. A member of staff will take a register at the start of the session. At the beginning of each session the children will be encouraged to join in with a group phonics activity.
We have two rooms which the children are free to move between. The ‘physical’ room is the noisier room! This contains the home corner, dolls and prams, puzzle table, a scissors/ mark making table, construction area and ‘small play’ such as cars and garage, train track and the dolls’ house.
The other room is the quieter ‘craft’ room containing more structured activities such as painting, junk modelling, play dough, gloop, sand/water and the book corner. Halfway through the session we have ‘snack time’ where children are invited to have a drink and snack if they wish. We offer a snack of fruit or vegetables. We also offer milk or water but some children prefer to bring in their own drink and we ask you to bring in a named water bottle. Water is freely available throughout the session if required.
During the Spring and Summer term our children have the opportunity to free flow between pre-school and the Reception Unit in school. The children love joining in with the older school children and taking part in their phonics or maths activities.
The children also go outside to play. We have access to a secure all weather turfed area. The children get to have fun with the outdoor toys and ride bikes, jump, kick/throw balls and bean bags whether it’s wet or dry!
If children are staying with us all day they will need to bring a named packed lunch with a drink to their session. We encourage a healthy and varied packed lunch and suggest a sandwich or savoury item, yoghurt and a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable snack. We ask you not to include fizzy drinks, sweets or nut products.
Just before home time, the children come back indoors for the end circle. Here they can reflect on the session and enjoy ‘show and tell’, stories and songs together before they are collected and excitedly tell you all about their day.