
Leedon Lower School

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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'




Science at Leedon Lower School


“Science is fun.  Science is curiosity.  We all have natural curiosity.  Science is … posing questions and coming up with a method.  It’s delving in.”                                                          Dr Sally Ride, Astronaut




At Leedon Lower School, we believe the Science is best when:

  • It is fun to do.
  • It is practical, with a real outcome.
  • It is interactive and children become inquisitive.
  • It is based on Scientific Skills
  • It is engaging
  • The children have fun and remember what they have learnt

These form our key Principles for Science (the full Principles of Science can be found below and we were proud to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark in 2016.

Our Science Curriculum aims that by the time the children complete Year 4, they have:

  • Developed Scientific knowledge, enquiry skills and conceptual understanding through the teaching of all three strands – Chemistry, Biology and Physics
  • Developed understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. 
  • Experienced Science in a number of different contexts, including outdoor learning and group activities.  We believe that it is imperative that every child is given the opportunity to have these experiences.




We follow the National Curriculum (2014) for Science.  Teaching and learning builds upon concepts and knowledge learnt in previous years as the children move through the school.  Children at Leedon Lower School learn in all three strands and cover the following Science topics:

Reception           Through the “Understanding the World” area of the EYFS Framework

Year 1                    Plants (naming and identifying), Animals including humans (naming    and identifying, bodies and senses), Everyday materials, Seasonal changes and weather

Year 2                    Living things & their habitats, Plants (conditions for life), Animals including humans (life cycles, conditions for life, healthy living), Use of everyday materials

Year 3                    Plants (parts of plants & life cycles), Animals including humans (nutrition and skeletons), Rocks, Light, Forces & Magnets

Year 4                    Living things & their habitats, Animals including humans (digestion & food chains), States of Matter, Sound, Electricity

Throughout their time in school, children will also work scientifically using the five types of scientific enquiry:

  • Observing over time
  • Grouping and classifying
  • Pattern seeking
  • Comparative and fair testing
  • Research using secondary sources

In Key Stages 1 and 2, Science is taught discretely.  Teachers also look for opportunities to link Science to topic learning and to give the children the opportunity to practise and use the skills and knowledge gained in Science lessons.

Children are encouraged to develop their literacy, mathematical and reasoning skills through their Science learning.

Teachers make use of assessment to ensure they know what the children have learnt and to inform the next steps for learning.  They are provided with a wide range of CPD to enable them to develop their subject knowledge. 

Everyone in school works hard to raise the profile of Science, whether through recognising the ‘Scientists of the Week’ in weekly assemblies, through talking about Science in school and in the world beyond our school and by looking for opportunities to share ours and others’ interests in Science with each other.




Lessons are engaging and children remember what they have learnt.

Teachers are confident in delivering Science teaching in all areas.

Teachers are aware of how what they teach is supported by what children have learnt previously, and of how their teaching supports children to learn in subsequent years.

Children’s innate curiosity is encouraged and nurtured through Scientific Enquiry and the acquisition of knowledge.

Children make connections between their Science learning and their learning in other areas of the curriculum; and between their Science learning and their experiences out of school.

Children develop Science Capital: They are more willing to engage with Science both in and out of school.  They talk about Science and share what they have learnt with their families.  They have a more positive view of Science and continue to engage with it throughout their education after leaving Leedon.

Science Progression Map

Leedon Principles of Science

Our Science Learning Keys can be found by clicking the link below:

KAPOW: Science curriculum overview for parents and carers
