All children must wear school uniform.
Branded school sweatshirts, cardigans, PE T-shirts, fleeces, sunhats, P.E. bags and bookbags can be purchased either on the Eduspot app through School money, or directly from the School office.
However, these items are not compulsory and you can acquire the uniform without the school logo from various retailers.
Second-hand uniform items are held by the school office for parents to access.
Winter Wear
Grey trousers or pinafore dress/skirt
White or blue polo shirt
Royal blue pullover/cardigan/sweatshirt or fleece
Grey/white tights or socks
Summer Wear
Blue checked/striped dress or
Grey trousers/shorts/skirt and white or blue polo shirt
Royal blue pullover/cardigan/sweatshirt or fleece
Royal blue shorts / White T-Shirt
Tracksuit or suitable alternative, plus appropriate footwear i.e. Velcro trainers
For other Outdoor Activities – a pair of Wellingtons, waterproof jacket with hood and waterproof trousers (also available from the school office).
No jewellery should be worn. A child may wear a watch but we cannot accept responsibility for it. If your child has pierced ears, then please make sure they only wear plain studs and on P.E. days earrings MUST NOT be worn. If your child is wearing earrings they must be removed for P.E. and your child should be able to remove them themselves if needed.
Unless requested by a member of staff for something special, we discourage children from bringing toys or other items from home, as things can sometimes get broken or lost and this can so easily cause upset. We are not responsible for any loss or damage to children’s property whilst at school.
Please mark all items of clothing clearly with your child’s name - including shoes and wellingtons. Thank you.