
Leedon Lower School

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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'




Physical Education at Leedon 



Our Key aim is to inspire EVERY child to be passionate about Physical Education and Sport. We believe that PE is an essential part of the curriculum through which pupils develop within a safe environment. Children of all abilities should have quality learning opportunities to strive and achieve their full potential.




Our children receive an inclusive, broad and balanced programme of PE which:

  • delivers lessons to take each pupil on a progressive and exciting learning journey from KS1 through to KS2,
  • provides inclusive lessons through planning and specialist teaching and equipment,
  • promotes Physical Development and a healthy and active lifestyle,
  • encourages physical activity for sustained periods of time,
  • enhances self-esteem through development of physical confidence,
  • requires children to work together in team situations, planning strategies and following rules of play,
  • helps children achieve their highest possible standards,
  • develops leadership, social skills and confidence,
  • allows More Able and Talented children to develop and fulfil their true potential ,
  • develops life skills such as communication, collaboration, co-operation, commitment, competition, leadership and teamwork,
  • actively promotes key values through our ‘Spirit of the Game’ values of: Determination, Honesty, Passion, Respect, Self - Belief and Teamwork,

        creates school club links through the wider community for our children.




All our children receive a safe, broad and balanced programme of PE.


PE provision is co-ordinated and overseen by a PE specialist.  Each class in years 1 – 4 has two lessons of PE a week, one taught by the PE specialist and one by the class teacher.  Sports clubs are also available to enrich and enhance children’s experiences and learning.  These can take place at lunchtime and afterschool. Sports days are organised in the summer term as a celebration event.  Through the School Sports Partnership there is regular liaison with other schools in the local learning community, with a shared aim to improve teaching quality, promote physical activity and provide inter-school competitions.  We also have links with outside agencies who often work with our children and staff.

We encourage competition at all levels. This is evident within the curriculum, through level 1 (self), 2 (Intra) and 3 (Inter) competitions and during sports days held at the school. We feel that competition can challenge children both individually and as a team. Children can compare their performances with previous ones and aspire to reach, surpass and strive for personal excellence.

Key Stage 1

In line with the PE National Curriculum, children are taught to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing, catching, as well as developing Balance, Agility and Co-ordination. They are taught how to apply these in a range of activities. Children have the opportunity to participate in team games developing simple tactics for attacking and defending and in dance taught how to perform simple movement patterns. We encourage children to engage in competitions (against self and others) and within co-operative physical activities in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

Children will sample a wide variety of sports throughout the year including; Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, Invasion Games, Multi-skills, Net/Wall Games and Striking and Fielding Activities.

Key Stage 2
At Key Stage 2, our focus is to develop children’s skills through a wide variety of sports and activities. Again, in line with the National Curriculum the children are taught to;

  • use running, jumping and catching skills in isolation and in combination,
  • play competitive games,(modified where appropriate) such as cricket, football, hockey, netball, tag rugby, rounders and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.
  • develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance, through athletics, dance, gymnastics, and multi-skills
  • perform dances using a range of movement patterns,
  • take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team (Year 4 residential trip to Grafham Water Centre).

compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.

Swimming and water safety
Year 4 children are given the opportunity to attend Swimming instruction at our local leisure centre - Tiddenfoot.

Pupils are taught to:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • Use a range of strokes effectively such as front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.






  • Promotes Physical Development and a healthy lifestyle
  • Develops the fundamental skills of balance, agility and co-ordination
  • Develops artistic and aesthetic understanding and appreciation
  • Enhances self-esteem through the development of physical confidence
  • Pupils work together in team situations, planning strategies and following rules of play
  • Teaches pupils how to cope with experiences in competitive and co-operative physical activities
  • Helps pupils achieve the highest possible standards
  • Enables pupils to access the National Curriculum programme
  • Develops leadership skills and confidence
  • Allows Gifted and Talented pupils to develop and fulfil their true potential


Our PE Learning Keys can be found by clicking the link below:
