
Leedon Lower School

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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'



Year 1 (Sun, Star & Earth)

Contact the 'Virtual School' for Year 1

As more teachers are now back in school, if you have any queries regarding the online work or any of the Apps, please use this form. Please do not use this to share work - you should still use Seesaw or contact the class teacher.

Welcome to Year One's Spring Term Topic - On the Move!

Year 1 Topic Leaflet: On the Move

Welcome to Year One's Summer Term Topic: Turrets and Tiaras

Please have a look at our topic leaflet for this term.

We've created a third Home Learning Workbook, with challenges to complete at home, inspired by the kinds of Independent and Topic-based learning we would do in class. Like the previous books, we'd expect this to take 2-3 weeks to complete.

Phonics Home Learning Plan - Week Beginning 13 July

This week is Shine Week and the children who are in school will be off timetable.  We have left the English and Maths pages open so that you can revisit anything we've already done.  

Hello and welcome to the Summer Term.  We hope that you all had a good Easter.  We have added some Phonics and English activities to the website.  For Maths, we'd recommend that you carry on using the WhiteRose resources (which are below) and please carry on reading using Bug Club.  If you run out of books on Bug Club, please message your teacher so we can release more.  Please carry on with your diary writing if you are already doing it.

The Story of St George and the Dragon

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St George is a legendary knight who is also the Patron Saint of England. Please watch this video that Mr Wilkinson made (with help from his children) which tells the most famous of his stories.

If you still want the first two Home Workbooks, they are here.



If you want to learn about some of the amazing animals on our planet, have a look at the activities on Chester Zoo's website:


If you go to the main zoo page, there are factfiles about all the animals they have at the zoo.  Which is your favourite?


Zoo Webcams

If you want to see some animals, these zoos have webcams:-

Edinburgh Zoo (Pandas, penguins, tigers and Koalas) -

Dublin Zoo (African Savannah, Penguins and Elephants)

San Diego Zoo (Baboons, Penguins, Pandas, Polar Bears, Apes, Koalas, Giraffes, Owls, Elephants, Tigers and Condors)

Although the San Diego cams are the best, because of the time difference between us and California, you will only start to see animals after about 3pm.

Some more useful sites to help learn Spanish:

Basic greetings in Spanish:
Video - numbers to 20 in Spanish song:
Spanish numbers worksheet:
The colours in Spanish video: 
The colours in Spanish PowerPoint:
The Spanish - colour by numbers worksheet: 
Video: Members of the family:
Members of the family worksheet:


Duolingo (free site, registration required) -


123 Teach Me have some vocabulary resources -


Calico Spanish have some songs on their YouTube channel -


OnlineFreeSpanish have some free lessons and printable resources -

Year One have been learning about letter writing this week.  With restrictions on older people going out, why not write a weekly letter to someone?

Curriculum Overview for Year 1

Year 1's timetable (for those children that would like to be following our normal routine)

Meet the Castle Cook

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Our weekly English plan - The Castle Cook's Challenge

Tuesday 28th April - Letter from the Castle Cook

A new video from the Castle Cook: answering all your questions

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The Cook says than you for all the great questions that you sent either straight to her or to your teachers. She's sorry that she hasn't been able to answer them all, but she has been very busy at the Castle.
In fact, the Castle is so busy, that they're looking for another Cook to help out. Could you write either a job description or a job advert to help them find one?

Friday: The Castle Cook's Final Challenge

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Meet the Serjeant at Arms

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Our English plan this week follows the Serjeant at Arms' Challenge. A copy of the plan is under this video. Can you watch the video and take the Serjeant-at-Arms' Challenge?

Interview with the Serjeant-At-Arms

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Thanks for your brilliant questions. Mr Wilkinson managed to grab an interview with the Serjeant at Arms. Apologies for the poor sound quality in some places - we were socially distancing and it seems that the Castle's internet connection wasn't great.

The Grand Tournament

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We have short highlights of the knights' tournament. For today's writing task, can you write a short news report of what you watched? Don't forget to put a Headline at the top and write in the Past tense.

Thursday's Challenge - describe a character

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Mrs Dell has drawn this brilliant picture of a knight. I wonder what he looks like? I wonder what kind of person he is? Can you write a character description and upload it on Seesaw?

Friday challenge: We've had a letter from the Serjeant-at-Arms. Can you help him?

Blacksmith's instructions - Week beginning 11th May

Meet the Blacksmith

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Blacksmiths made all the metal objects for the castle: the weapons and armour for the knight and soldiers, pots and pans for the kitchen, crowns and jewellery for the royals, and tools like hammers and axes. Enjoy the videos and the tasks!

Questions and answers with the Blacksmith

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I've tried to answer all your questions. Sorry, if I missed some. Please watch these two videos as well -

Meet the Lady in Waiting

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English Plan: The Lady in Waiting's Challenge (week commencing 18 May)

Medieval Drawings - Everyday Life

The Lady-in-Waiting has answered your questions.

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You will find out more about the Lady-in-Waiting’s role in the palace and how she looks after the Queen.
Hopefully all the questions you asked have been answered.

Can you write, text map or draw what you think her day would be like? Upload your work to Seesaw.

English Planning: w/c 1 June (The Abbot's Challenge)

Meet the Abbot

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This week, we move away from the Castle and meet the Abbot, who lives in the Abbey with the other monks.

Tuesday: The Abbot's Handwriting Challenge

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The monks at the Abbey write Bibles and other documents using beautiful illuminated letters. Today the Abbot is challenging you to write your name in the most beautiful way possible.

Wednesday: The Abbot answers your questions

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Thursday - please read this letter from the Abbot - he wants your help

Friday: The Abbot needs your help

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Literacy - the Jester's challenge

Meet the Jester

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Enjoy the video then write some questions and send them to the Jester

A note from the Jester

Wednesday: The Jester has answered some of your questions

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Today's challenge is to have a go at juggling and then write some instructions to help someone else learn. Don't forget your bossy (imperative) verbs!

Thursday: The Jester is learning a poem. Can you?

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The jester is trying to learn a poem. He'd like you to try to learn one as well. You could either learn one from a book (or that your grown-ups know) or you can try the one underneath this video.

A poem to learn: On the Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan

Friday: Can you make up your own poem?

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English Plan - w/c 15 June - Ruby's Sword

Our Book for this week's English: Ruby's Sword

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This week's English lessons are based on the book Ruby's Sword, written by Jacqueline Veissid and illustrated by Paola Zakimi (Published by Chronicle Books - ISBN 978-1452163918).
Watch this video of Mrs Dell reading the story and then try today's work in the plan.