RAF Hendon trip. Earth. 23.4.24
Dear Parents / Carers,
Welcome back to school!
We hope you have all had a wonderful summer and that your child is looking forward to starting Year One.
We understand that this can be a very emotional time for both children and grown-ups.
If your child is feeling anxious about school, please know that this is perfectly normal and that we will do all we can to ensure your child feels safe and happy. We have lots of fun activities planned for the first week back, as well as lots of getting to know each other games. We understand that some children take longer to 'find their voice' than others and want to assure you that we will work at your child's pace.
In the morning when you drop your child off, we recommend giving them a big hug and a kiss goodbye, telling them how much you love them and then walking away. We have found that hovering can increase their anxiety and we want everyone to feel confident on their first day.
If your child is already expressing signs of separation anxiety here are a few things, you can try:
The Invisible String - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm7syTd9xSs
The Kissing Hand - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJq-K9hGIpA
Wemberly Worried - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkuXc0htNGk
It is meant to be very hot this week! Please ensure your child has a named water bottle and hat in school every day.
We can't wait to see you all tomorrow,
The Year One Team