
Leedon Lower School

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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'



Become a governor

Would you like to help our school - and develop board level skills at the same time?

We're currently looking to appoint three new community governors to our Board.


We're especially looking for those with skills and experience in strategic leadership, HR and accountability (particularly financial), though these are not a specific requirement. Like the school itself, our board promotes equality, diversity and inclusion, and we welcome applicants of all backgrounds and abilities. 

Why volunteer as a governor?


By volunteering as a governor, you can give something back to your local community and help us provide the best possible future for our pupils.


You'll help shape the strategic direction of the school. You'll oversee the school’s performance, its budget and steer its vision and values.  You'll also provide challenge and support to the headteacher, helping them as they raise standards throughout the school.


At the same time, you have the opportunity to develop new board level skills that may be transferable elsewhere.


What's the time commitment?


The time commitment is typically 4-6 hours a month, primarily to attend meetings and complete the necessary preparatory reading. But this may vary depending on any additional responsibilities you choose to take on. 


Typically, the full board meets every half term. Each governor is also asked to join one of our two sub-committees, which meet once a term. Meetings are typically held online at 6pm on a Thursday evening. Governors also have the opportunity to undertake monitoring visits during the school day to see the school in action and speak to teachers and pupils.


What training is available?


A range of free training is offered to all governors, including induction training for those who are new to the role.

How to apply


To apply please complete the application form below and email to Our Chair of Governors will then get in touch to discuss your application further.

Find out more

To learn more about the role of our Governing Board, our current governors and to view the minutes of previous meetings, please take a look at Our Governors page. 


If you'd like an informal call with our Chair of Governors to find out more, please email the school at the address above to arrange.
