
Leedon Lower School

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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'



Our Governors

The Board of Governors at Leedon is made up of representatives from the local authority, parents, staff and the local community. The governors are all volunteers and meet approximately six times a year. 


The governors have three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. (See our Vision, Ethos and Values.)
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.


About our Governing Body

We operate a circle model of governance, where the governing body works as a 'whole team' without any committees, and meets every half term, or more if required. This means that all governors have up to date information regarding the school, and can offer timely support and challenge, as well as take action should the need arise.


The governing body may commission assignments or projects arising from the business of any particular meeting, which will be recorded in the minutes. The governing body will also at times delegate monitoring activities to either individual or pairs of members. This delegation could relate to statutory functions or to priorities identified in the School Development Plan. Any delegated decisions will be reported back to the Full Governing Body.


Link governors are assigned to monitor subjects which have been identified as strategic priorities in the School Development Plan, as well as: Safeguarding, SEND, PPG, Health & Safety, Wellbeing and Finance.


There is also a Pay Review Panel, and provision is made for governors to form committees to deal with Pupil Exclusion, Staff Disciplinaries, Complaints, Grievances, Pay Appeals, and the Headteacher's Performance Review.


As well as meeting regularly, governors visit the school throughout the year to talk to pupils, staff and parents. This helps them monitor and evaluate what is happening in the school, as well as understanding future development goals. 



 NameGovernor typeTerm of officeAppointed byRoles
                 Nicola McIntyre     Nicola McIntyreParent25/03/21 - 25/03/25


- Board Chair

- Equalities

Amy HerukkaCo-opt01/12/22-01/12/26Board



Heena HoweHeena HoweParent29/11/23-29/11/27Board- Curriculum
 Debbie HullCo-opt09/10/24-09/10/28Board 
Toby MaloyCo-opt01/12/22-01/12/26Board

- Finance

- H&S


Nick NeillStaff09/10/24- 09/10/25Staff


Jo ShelleyParent25/03/21 - 25/03/25Board

- Vice Chair

- Curriculum

Michelle StewartParent01/12/22-01/12/26Board



Nicky ThurgoodNicky ThurgoodParent29/11/23-29/11/27Board- Inclusion (SEND/PPG)
Richard BensonHeadOngoingEx-officio 

The term of office is 4 years.

Contacting us
If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors or a member of our governing body, please email:

Please write "For the attention of the Chair of Governors " in the subject header, and this will be forwarded on. 


Alternatively you can write to the Chair of Governors at the school address. 
