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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'




Wednesday 8th July

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This is a challenge today - see if you can think of any ideas to add your own pages to this book.

The animals from Don't Put Your Fingers in the Jelly, Nelly.

The start of my idea gathering.

Well done Oli S who thought hard about my question about fear in Monday's lesson and very cleverly sent me this...

 To Mrs O’Reilly

The black dog grew as the height of the Hopes fears and short Hope didn’t have really big fears of the black dog so the black dog got smaller

From Oliver

What a fantastic answer! 

Literacy lesson Weds 1.7.20

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I have shown you how to write a simple poem about the icy woods in the story of Black Dog. I'd like you to write me a simple poem about the dog please.

The woods.

My poem about the woods.

The picture of the dog to use for your own poem.

Wednesday 24th June 2020

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Have a go at text mapping the explanation that you have been watching this week so that you can be Maddie Moate (or maybe Michael Moate) on TV!

Wednesday 17th June Literacy

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Today's activity is some role play to help you think up ideas about what a baby version of your alien would be like; how would he or she be born? What would they eat? What would they wear, why and how is it made? How does your alien baby poop, where from and how is the poop collected?
Design and Describe 

Watch for today's activity.....

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All you need today is:

  • Paper 
  • Pencils / Felt tips
  • Your super imagination. 