
Leedon Lower School

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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'



Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years Foundation Stage

The EYFS was introduced in 2008 to replace the Birth to 3 Matters, Foundation Stage and National Care Standards and bring them all together. It sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. It was reviewed in 2011 and more recently 2020. The revised EYFS covers the following areas of learning:


The Prime Areas

Personal, social and emotional development:

This area concentrates on a child’s personal development, their self-awareness, managing feelings and their relationships with others, understanding healthy eating and managing hygiene.


Communication and language:

This area looks at a child’s speaking and listening skills and their understanding of instructions.


Physical development:

This area encourages children to develop their ability for movement, co‑ordination, control and manipulation of themselves and objects, together with the importance of physical exercise.


The Specific Areas


This area covers a child’s early reading and writing skills.



This area promotes children’s numeracy, number recognition, shapes, counting and the use of mathematical language and concepts.


Understanding the world:

This area looks at a child’s understanding of people and communities, the world around them and ICT.


Expressive arts and design:

This area explores activities using a child’s imagination and includes art, music, role play, imaginative play, nursery rhymes and song.


We will ensure that all children have the opportunity to develop in these areas by using them as guidelines to create our curriculum of activities.


At the heart of the EYFS is that ‘every child matters’ and we aim to uphold that philosophy at Leedon’s Little Learners.


Healthy Eating and Oral Health


The recently reformed EYFS focuses on promoting healthy eating and oral health and hygiene. Eating habits are instilled from a young age, and often these habits are carried through to adulthood. Children who learn to eat well can develop and sustain a healthy lifestyle, which has many benefits such as healthy growth and development.


Children who eat healthy foods in their everyday lives can be more alert and interested in activities, which can improve their concentration and learning.


We encourage healthy eating through discussions, questions, games and activities making it a fun and enjoyable environment and it is one of the best ways to encourage your child to try new foods and eat a balanced diet.  


Snack time is an adult led group activity and the children are encouraged to join in from preparing the snack to clearing away.


We encourage oral health and hygiene through adult led activities, story books, questions and games.

Oral Health and Hygiene 

Healthy Eating 
