
Leedon Lower School

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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'




Year 4 - Tuesday 02.06.20

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We carry on with pirates.

WATCH the video for a NEW EXCITING activity!!!!

Hola hola!! If you have any questions, contact me :)

Moon - Viernes 22.05.20

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Half Term Challenge

Carry on with your Sea Shanty

Check the PDF below and comoplete your challenge this half term!

See you soon!!

Moon - Jueves 21.05.20

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Sea Shanty

Write your own sea shanty. You can find the lyrics of the Drunken Sailor in the Topic section.
Once you have finished it, you can sing it using the backking track. If you don't want to sing, just send the lyrics on seasaw.

Have a good day!!

Moon - Miércoles 20.05.20

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Treasure map!!!

Design your treasure map. Think about the instructions, use compass directions (3 steps East), add/draw points of interest (like a sofa, or the TV, or a chair) so the person looking for the Treasure, knows that it's at the right place.

Once you've finished it, why don't you give it to someone in your family and see if they can find the Treasure.

Have a nice day!!

Moon - Martes 19.05.20

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Thank you for your pirates and stories about La Española. If you haven't sent me your pirates on Seesaw, do it!!!

Carry on with Literacy and Maths and be ready for tomorrow's activity...

Moon - Monday 18.05.20

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Pirates week!!!!

Design your own pirate. Think about:
- what is he/she wearing?
- Has he/ she got a hook or wooden leg?
- Pet?
- Any unusual features?

Have a lovely day!!

Moon - Friday 15.05.20

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It's Friday!! Finish off your activities and chill out during the weekend.

Moon - Thursday 14.05.20

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With your information about explorers, you have to make an informative poster.

You can present it the way you want.

Moon - Wednesday 13.05.20

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Keep researching about your explorers. Find extra information about the trip, if they got something, if everything went as planned,...

Your challenge is to learn a magic tric and show it to me :) Hope you like mine!!

Moon - Tuesday 12.05.20

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Keep researching about famous explorers.

If you have done it already, why don ́t you try to make a collage? Watch the video and find 2 examples.

Have a good day!!!

Moon - Monday 11.05.20

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Today's activity is to research about famous explorers and then choose one.

Answer few questtions about the one you chose, for example:
- When did they start the trip?
- What ship did they use to sail?
- Where did they want to go but where did they appear?

If you want to add more information, you are more than welcome.

Have a lovely day!!

Thursday 7th May

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VE Day anniversary weekend 🇬🇧

Seen Mrs Brown's video today? You can contact Mr Simon to say a big 'thank you' using this form 😊

Moon - Wednesday 06.05.20

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Hey all!!

Today's activiy: Check in your kitchen, fridge, cupboards,... other popular products and try to find where do they come from and add a route to your map.

If you can't print, write on a piece of paper the product and next to it the country.

Have a lovely day!!!

Moon - Tuesday 05.05.20

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Hola hola!!

I haven't forgot about the draw!! Some of the children are still having issues with logins so I am sorting everything out this week.
The first draw will be on Monday 18th so make sure you try your best every day.

Challege for today: To be creative. Create something. It can be a drawing, a model, a song,... something unique.

Have a good day!!

Moon - Monday 04.05.20

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IMPORTANT message today!

Because next year you are going to Middle School, You need to email me 3 things:
1) 3 friends you would liike to share a class with at Middle School (choose from those that are going to the same Middle School)
2) If you play an instrument at school, at home,...
3) If you can swim 25 metres

TOPIC: Time ago, some of the products we can find in supermarkets were brought to us by boat using popular trade routes. Check on the topic section to find the products you need to find where do they come from, the map and more info about it.


Moon - Friday 01.05.20

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New month, new activity!!!

Research about negative impact of human activities on our oceans and then think about how to inform or educate other people about what you found out.

Have a lovely weekend!!!

Moon - Thursday 30.04.20

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Moon - Wednesday 29.04.20

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New challenge!! Watch the video to find out!

I haven't forgot about the draw so be active on Seesaw, TTRS, BugBluc, SpellingFrame, Readtheory, DoodleMaths to take part!!! :)

Moon - Tuesday 28.04.20

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Hi children!

No challenge today!
Remember to send me on Seesaw the uses of oceans in the past and in the present.

Suggestion of the day! Why don't you tell me something you've done to help others? It can be something you've done to help mum, dad, your brother, your sister, your pet,.. Something positive.

Moon - Monday 27.04.20

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Hope you are all ok.
For today, I'd like you to find uses of seas and oceans in the past and compare it with how do we use them nowadays.

Moon - Friday 24.04.20

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Research about your favourite vessel. What it ́s used for? What it ́s made out of? Who used it? Label your drawing with its parts. Fun facts...

If you haven ́t drawn your vessel, then do it and label it.

Send me your work on Seesaw!!! :)

Moon - Thursday 23.04.20

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How's the vessel research going? Do you like my private one? :P

Moon 22.04.20

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Check the daily challenge!

Topic related :)

Moon 21.04.20

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Welcome back!!

Play the video to find the new activities on the webiste.

Seesaw instructions MOON

Moon 03.04.20

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During Easter Holidays try to read every day and practise TTRS or your own calculations.

If you want to do extra work, you can spin the globe and research about different countries around the world.

Any questions, fill the form.

Moon 02.04.20

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Moon 01.04.20

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Try the new website spellingframe and keep sending your work on Seesaw.


Have a good day!!

Moon 31.03.20

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Moon 30.03.20

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keep working and upload your work on Seesaw.

Each Monday, a draw will be held. Top 5 on each app/website will enter the draw.
TTRS (Top 5 acuracy and Top 5 speed)
Bug Club (Top 5 readers)
Prodigy (Top 5 leaderboard)
Readtheory (Top 5 answering correctly the questions)
Seesaw (Top 5 most active uploading work)

Moon 27.03.20

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Most active children on Seesaw, TTRS and Prodigy.

Keep practising!!

Moon 26.03.2020

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In this video I comment about the Seesaw app to send photos or videos and I have also added a suggestion to have a bit of fun (sorry mums and dads).

Keep practising TTRS, Reading on ReadTheory or BugClub, Doodle Maths and Prodigy.


On the next video, I'll share extra information and a new challenge.


For BugClub, the school code is leed (from Leedon but with lower cases).


Hola Moon class

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