
Leedon Lower School

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Leedon Lower School

'Learning Without Limits'




Week 6 - 01.03.21 to 05.03.21

Our Talk for Writing Booklet for the next few weeks

Week 6 - 22.02.21 to 226.02.21

Week 5 - Friday 5th February


Today's task again looks at things from the perspective of different characters. Your challenge is to choose one of the characters, and describe the setting of the beginning of the film from their perspective. Again, think about using your senses to describe the scene, but also think about the emotions of the character, and how they feel about their surroundings.


There's also a fun bonus challenge!


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Week 5 - Thursday 4th February


Today's task continues from yesterday's story. Think about the story from the perspective of each character - you can use the emotions sheet from yesterday to help you.


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Week 5 - Wednesday 3rd February


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Week 5 - Tuesday 2nd February


Keeping with our recent theme of fantasy settings, today's task is to complete two activities from the Pobble 'Velocidad'. 


We would like you to have a go at either 'Sentence Challenge' or 'Sick Sentences', and then take on the story starter.


Feel free to attempt the other activities if you wish.


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Week 5 - Monday 1st February


Today you have two tasks!


Task one is to share the writing you completed last week! Enjoy it and be proud of it. Here are some ideas you may wish to try:

  • Phone a friend or a relative and read them your story.
  • Perform your story by recording yourself reading it aloud. You could even upload it to Seesaw.
  • Type or write up your story - on fancy paper? Using your favourite pen? In a mini book, with illustrations?


Your second task is to have a go at the SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Mat below. As usual, have a look through and choose your challenge level. Try to choose the mat which isn't too easy, but isn't too difficult. Remember, you need to challenge yourself, and your brain - but if it's so difficult that you can't do it, you won't learn as much.

This may help you with one of the questions

Week 4 - Friday 29.01.21


Check the document to tick the things you have included in your story.

If you have missed anything, you can edit it or re-write the paragraph.

Edit your story - Friday 29.01.21.mp4

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Thursday 28th January


Today it's time to start writing!


Here are some guides to help you:

Writing story - Thursday 28.01.21.mp4

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Plan the story - Wednesday 27.01.21.mp4

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Week 4 - Wednesday 27th January


It's time to start planning!


Today, your task is to start fleshing out the bare bones of your story into an actual plan. Remember to:

  • Add in lots of details you'll need to remember later.
  • Write in note form, not in sentences
  • Use shorthand (G for Grandmama, for example) to speed up your note taking - but don't forget what your short hand stands for!
  • Think about your senses - what can your character see? What can they smell? Feel? Hear?


You could also:

  • Act out your story - this will help you to memorise the parts
  • Ask someone to question you on your story:
    • Ask why things happen
    • Ask questions about the characters - what do they look like, what is their personality
    • Ask about your settings, using senses - what can you see in the distance/up close? What's the biggest/smallest thing you can see? What can you hear? Is it loud? Quiet?

Week 4 - Tuesday 26th January


Today it's time to start thinking about writing our own story!

Story ideas - Tuesday 26.01.21.mp4

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Week 4 - Monday 25th January


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* then go and play in the snow!

Week 3 - Friday 22nd January

Today's task is to create a menu for a goblin birthday party. Try to set your menu up like a real menu, with different courses and possibly different options to choose between.


Can you make your menu choices sound more interesting by adding rhyming foods, or alliteration? Similes and metaphors could also entice your guests to eat your food.


All of the foods in the example relate well to the Tree Goblins - if you've created a new type of goblin, how could you make your food sound like something they would eat?


As an optional task for later, you could go out foraging for nettles and make your own edible goblin recipe!


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Week 3 - Thursday 21st January 2021


Your task today is to create your own poem, based on the poem 'Six Things Found in a Hobbit's Knapsack'. 


As an extra challenge, you could have a go at creating a shoe box or flower pot world for your goblin to live in!


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Week 3 - Wednesday 20.01.21

"Preposition" by The Bazillions

Up, down, all around -- learn your prepositions as you sing along with The Bazillions' hit song! Find out more at http://www.thebazillions.comPreposition by ...

Tuesday 19th January


Today's activity is a drawing task!


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Monday 18th January


Your task today is to invent different types of goblin!


Cool - create 2 types of goblin with key facts

Warm - create 3 types of goblin

Boiling - try to use a different conjunction in each key fact about each goblin!


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Friday 15.1.21


Today, you have a list of WOW words you can learn. Go through them and write a sentence.


Cool - 5 sentences

Warm - 8 sentences

Boiling - 12 sentences


Sentences (15.1.21).mp4

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Thursday 14.1.21


Today you have to make a comic.

You have few sentences at the bottom of the document, place them in the correct box and draw a picture.


Warm task is to open the document and complete it.

Boiling task is to create your own comic based on the story using speech bubbles.

Comic (14.1.21).mp4

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Wednesday 13.1.21


Today, you need to become a text detective. Treerumple is struggling to find the answers and needs your help. Find the clues in the text and write the answers.


Don't forget the capital letters at the beginning of the sentences!!!



Literacy comprehension (13.01.21).mp4

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Tuesday 12.1.21


Following the text from yesterday, today we are going to complete a quiz. 

Read the story again and answer the 6 questions that Treerumple has prepared for you.



Quiz (Tuesday 12.1.21).mp4

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Monday 11.01.21


Today's activity is about a reading book, "The Impossibly possible Bookshop".


Read the story and complete the activity at the end. You can also listen to the story by clicking on the link provided just before the story starts.

Literacy (Monday 11.01.21).mp4

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The resources below are for future lessons - you do not need to access these yet.

Wednesday 20th January

Thursday 21st January

Friday 22nd January
